Monday, January 21, 2013

Why Lance Armstrong Cheated

First of all, full disclosure is required. I am an avid bike rider and cancer survivor.

The recent news story of interest has been the confession of Lance Armstrong to Oprah Winfrey that he used performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) during his seven Tour de France victories from 1999 to 2005. Erythropoietin (EPO), testosterone, blood doping, and human growth hormone (hGH) were routinely used by Lance and his teams, as they prepared for and dominated European professional cycle races over much of the last decade. As I listened to the post-confession commentaries on radio and television, analysts were unanimous in their description and characterization of Mr. Armstrong as a liar, cheater, bully, and more. In his article, It’s all about the Lies, Rick Reilly stated, “I've been fooled (for 14 years) and I have been fooled before…I guess I should forgive him… But I'm not quite ready… Give me 14 years, maybe.” The scathing condemnation is appropriate for a man who broke the rules and over many years denied his involvement in cheating and drug use, while attempting to destroy the character, reputations, and financial livelihood of anyone who attempted to reveal the truth about his activities by lawsuits and verbal intimidation. In Lance’s attempt at contrition, “I deserve it and I cannot blame people who cannot forgive me for my actions. I alone am responsible.”

Cycling is a popular European sport. But in America the media cared little about it unless an American was winning races, as was Lance. Before him, there was a blip of publicity when Greg LeMond, the American from California, won three titles in 1986, 1989, and 1990 and the first American and non-European to win. Those of us who follow cycling (at least, European professional cycling) have believed for many years – that Lance Armstrong and his teammates were doping. In fact, most of the podium winners of the Grand Tours over the last 20 years or so have almost all tested positive and been suspended or admitted to drug use. His admission is simply confirmation of what many of us suspected or was whispered for many years. Only the naïve would believe otherwise. If there ever was a place where “everybody does it” appears to be a reasonable application, it was in cycling. So, the seeming surprise about the revelations of cheating appears to be either due to ignorance or naiveté by the news media about this sport noted for its corruption.

But there is another point to this post! The surprise is also noteworthy because I know why he doped. Here’s why! We are embedded in a culture of lying and cheating to get ahead. This is by no means an excuse for Lance’s behavior. (Don’t forget his bullying and Mafia-Don-like attack on his detractors.) The political season just ended revealed candidates – Presidential, Senatorial, and others, who blatantly lied day after day in speeches, ads, through their surrogates, and in character assassinations that would make the most audacious one blush. Anyone remembers the campaign manager who refused to allow “fact checkers” to control his candidate’s message? Anyone remembers the etch-a-sketch quote? Any one aware of the insider trading scandals and profiteering at all cost mentality that has brought our economy to its knees in recent years? Is anyone aware of the inundation of success-by-any-means-possible and academic dishonesty that pervade our nation’s colleges and universities? Is anyone following the apparent increase in the manipulation of scientific research simply to obtain more grant money and pad the resume? Is anyone following the shortcut and/or falsifying of biomedical research by multi-billion dollar biomedical corporations to produce drugs for profit while leaving the health and welfare of the infirmed at risk? Now, there have always been cheaters, and always will be. However, we live in an age where the goal to reach the top is regarded as the ultimate goal regardless of the many trampled at the bottom. American sports have been inundated with drug cheats – baseball, football, track and field. But when our so-called moral leaders – pastors, politicians and congressional hopefuls show little penchant for honesty, why do we expect any different from Lance?

So, why the apparent sudden surprise and vitriol about Lance? Am I making an excuse for Lance Armstrong’s behavior? No I am not! Not even his demonnstrably heroic efforts on behalf of cancer victims and establishing Livestrong get him off the hook. Let’s bring to light all the cheaters and liars. Let’s clean up our sports. Let’s not stand aside and accept politicians who play fast and loose with the truth in order to win a seat or manipulate public opinion whether they are on your side of the politcal spectrum or not. There is a difference between differences of opinion and bald face lying. And like Lance, there are a lot of confessions needed. But no sin is unforgivable and I am drawing attention to the axiom, “He that is without sin, cast the first stone…but go and sin no more.”

1 comment:

Len M Archer said...

I found this article in a Trinidad and Tobago newspaper and thought I'd add it for interest.